"Why should you care? It's all about the Money!"

You might be thinking ,why should I care? well its all about the Money! You can use Bitcoins to purchase things from people who accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. if places like subway are accepting Bitcoins you know its time to wise up. 

As these coins are digital, they can be transferred over the internet with minimal or no fees or currency transaction costs. Basically you can think of bitcoins like tokens that can be used for peer to peer barter. Obviously the peers need to be willing to part with their services or goods in exchange for Bitcoins, with the confidence that the same can be used to acquire products or services from other suppliers. Emerging Usage Initially, it was only accepted by very tech-savvy websites. 

Unfortunately, early on some of these were less than reputable by nature, which led to some bad press about Bitcoins. However Bitcoin is fast becoming mainstream , everyone has at least heard of Bitcoins, even if they do not fully understand it. The more main stream it becomes the more real world applications emerge. Today an ever increasing number of online stores are starting to accept Bitcoins. 

This includes some of the major gift-card retailers, which means you can (in a sense) use Bitcoins to pay for items from any number of stores that don't directly take the currency. There are now ATMs that will dispense local cash converted from Bitcoin accounts.You can find them in many countries. The first ATM was launched in Canada in October in 2013, and more recently the first such ATM in Australia was launched in Sydney.

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