There are various innovative money payment systems in the market today, many of which are built on platforms like the mobile phone, the Internet, and the digital storage card. 

These alternative payment systems have seen encouraging or even continued growth, from the likes of PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Alipay, Tenpay, Venmo, M-Pesa, BitPay, Moven, BitPesa, PayLah!, Dash, FAST, Transferwise, and others. Beyond payment systems that are based on fiat currency, the growing use of digital currency allows for faster, more flexible, and more innovative payments and ways in financing goods and services. 

Read More: How Bitcoin is Really Future Of Money?


One digital currency, however, stands out among the rest. Bitcoin is one of the most well-known digital currencies today. To be specific, Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is a subset of what is generally known as a digital currency. 

Bitcoin is a unique cryptocurrency that is widely considered to be the first of its kind. Like many created after it, Bitcoin uses the power of the Internet to process its transactions. This chapter introduces the characteristics and features of Bitcoin and sets the stage for further discussion of cryptocurrencies in the rest of this book.

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